Customer complaint management platform

If a delivered product does not meet your expectations, you can contact our service by using our complaint management platform.

As a new service, you can now submit complaints quickly and easily directly via the Halbmond B2B system in order to find a satisfactory solution together with our team.

Submitting a complaint

For the individual articles of all orders that have been delivered to you by us, the option “complain article” is available in the B2B portal on the “order history” page:

After making your selection, you will be forwarded directly to the complaint system, where you can select the reason for the complaint and enter a description of the problem. In addition, pictures or documents can be attached to every complaint, which can help us further in processing your request.

Viewing and editing of existing complaints

As soon as the complaint is processed by our team and you receive a response, you will be sent an email notification.
In addition, you can still call up the complaint page from the order history page in the JOBET B2B portal. At the point where the “complain article” button was previously located, a button with the inscription “display complaint” appears after a complaint has been entered for an article.

Processing status

There you can now see the status of your complaint (“new”, “in process” or “closed”) and see the entire message flow between you and our service team:

We always try to process all complaints quickly and smoothly and will get in touch with you as soon as possible.