new update—shopping cart saving + french language version


Dear Valued Customer,


New updates are online

  1. Shopping cart
  • If you do not complete an order before leaving the system, the items in your shopping cart will be saved.
  1. French language version
  • The B2B platform now includes a French language option.


Looking ahead

Included in the updates available at the end of September are:

  • Improvements in selection and graphical display of the colored rubber backing for our product Prime Color
  • In design job and design order the color of the rubber backing will be exchangeable
  • The in design job selected quality (Prime, Option…) can be changed in the ordering process
  • The selected quality will be displayed in all lists, corresponding masks as well as the shopping cart





Dear Valued Customer,

as of now we would like to inform you in our B2B blog about the
latest Jobet developments and products.

Furthermore you will find information regarding updates to our system
and possibly additional manuals.

new Color Mats / floormats with colored rubber


we color your mat

As of now our new quality “Prime Color” with diversely colored rubber backings is available
for you in our B2B platform.

You will find this option while creating your design request after choosing the
quality “Prime Color” on the right side in the menu called “backing”.

The image in the PDF with your design request will display the color of the backing you chose.
